Dong Quai - is used for a variety of health conditions. It may fortify your bones, help regulate your mood, and support cardiovascular health. Although there are few scientific studies on dong quai, it is sometimes suggested to relieve cramps, irregular menstrual cycles, infrequent periods, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), and menopausal symptoms.
Black Cohosh - has been used for various women's health issues and is still recommended by herbalist especially during menopause. Other ailments include fever, sore throat, cough, pain, and menstrual difficulties. Black Cohosh contains some important active compounds including phytoestrogens and fukinolic acid which is mainly responsible for the estrogen-like effect this herb can have on the body. One study found that black cohosh improved the sleep quality of early postmenopausal women with no adverse side effects. It also decreased wake after onset duration.
Chaste Berry - contains a variety of natural medicinal properties. It works by reducing inflammation and balancing hormones, to treat menstrual cycle problems and pain, premenstrual syndrome. It helps with conditions where your estrogen and progesterone levels rise and fall. Chasteberry can be helpful for mood swings, may improve infertility, help reduce menopausal symptoms by reducing the frequency of hot flashes and night sweats.
Take 2 tablespoon (30ml) twice daily after meals.
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